Brightwood: Golden Kingdom Wiki

  • Note Coin/Hr is the key metric for players looking to maximize return on investment.
  • Payout per hour generally decreases as watering time increases, with these exceptions:
    • One Artichoke provides a better payout over two hours, than two consecutive Cauliflowers
    • Squash beats most other Crops, but has a high initial cost that must be budgeted for, and requires hourly maintenance. Squash pays so well, that even if you miss your next pick time by a full half hour (your character is standing around doing nothing), you'll still out-earn Artichokes - which are the best-paying two hour Crop.
    • Cabbages (8 hours) and Broccoli (6 hours) are fine "overnight" crops, and will earn reasonable returns while you sleep, but if you only sleep 7 hours a night, plant Broccoli. Even wasting the entire seventh hour without planting anything, Broccoli still out-earns Cabbage.
  • Trees generally pay better per Man-Hour than Crops, but require a large initial investment. Since they will not produce actual profit for days, it's best to focus on Crops in the early game, to fund Houses and Buildings.

Level Cost Pay Net XP Time Coin/Hr XP/Hr
Carrots 1 5 10 5 1 30 sec 600 120
Pumpkins 2 30 60 30 2 5 min 360 24
Cauliflower 3 50 170 120 7 1 hr 120 7
Corn 4 70 260 190 20 2 hr 95 10
Strawberries 6 90 410 320 30 4 hr 80 7.50
Watermelon 6 500 710 210 20 2 hr 105 10
Blue Corn 6 600 810 210 30 3 hr 70 10
Cabbages 8 60 620 560 70 8 hr 70 8.75
Lavender 100 320 220 20 2 hr 110 10
Eggplants 10 520 1530 1010 150 18 hr 56 8.33
Brussels Sprouts 12 880 2150 1270 200 24 hr 52 8.33
Artichokes 14 450 700 250 20 2 hr 125 10
Potatoes 15 550 1570 1020 150 18 hr 56 8.33
Broccoli 17 180 690 510 60 6 hr 85 10
Squash 20 960 1130 170 10 1 hr 170 10
Basil 26 500 1310 810 120 14 hr 57 8.57
Blackberry 35 1280 2680 1400 220 24 hr 58 9.17